Capital vs Business Idea Which One More Important?

Business capital vs business idea comparison. Yesterday i attended seminar free preview. Business seminar speaker told stories about how to make money without capital.

He told about how a businessman built shopping center with $1, how a businessman acquired a billion dollars business with almost no money down, how to build many houses with little money.

Building a business, do we need capital ? yes of course, but from the seminar i know that we can get business capital from other parties, such as banks, sellers, partners. So capital is not a problem anymore.

What else do we need? We need a business idea. How we can get a business idea? we can get it by thinking. What is cost of thinking ? it's free, but not easy to have a good business idea. What is the solution? what do we need ? we need a good education for good business ideas.

How do we know that business idea we got is a good one? Main characteristic of good business idea is to have a win-win solution, other parties win first then we win.

Conclusion: capital is important but business idea more important. We should have a good business idea and then get capital from other parties.

Tips franchise: think outside the box to get business idea vs business capital.

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